Furniture dumped outside Ammanford charity shop

So much furniture was dumped outside an Ammanford charity shop that the staff couldn’t get into the building to open up.
Items of furniture including an old sofa, a wardrobe, TVs, an electric fire, a bed and mattress were left outside Barnardos in Carregamman Road one evening when the shop was closed.
Not only could the staff not get in the next morning, but the furniture was ruined by the rain which meant it could not be sold and the charity then had to pay to get it removed.
Shop manager Susan Langford said: “This is the fourth time this has happened since September; none of the items have been saleable, and we have to pay to get rid of it. We are a charity and we are trying to raise money not waste it like this. People don’t care, it is just an excuse for them to get rid of stuff they don’t want.”
The council’s environmental enforcement officers are investigating the incident as it is fly-tipping.
They say it is a problem at charity shops throughout the county and are appealing for people not to leave anything on the pavement outside.
Executive Board Member for Environmental and Public Protection Cllr Jim Jones said: “Fly-tipping is a serious offence and unfortunately this is an issue at charity shops across Carmarthenshire.
“People leave items outside the shops on the pavement when they are closed, probably with good intentions that it will be sold for charity, but it looks untidy and often the items are ruined by the weather.
“On this particular occasion so much furniture was left that the staff couldn’t get to the shop door and it resulted in the charity having to pay out money to dispose of it as it had got wet and couldn’t be sold.
“The manager was very upset by the incident, it was more than just a couple of bags of clothes and I cannot believe that anyone would think this was the right thing to do, it is quite obvious that they just wanted to get rid.”
The furniture was left sometime between 6.30pm and 9pm on Monday, October 8. If you have any information which may help officers with their investigation please call Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234567.


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