Community routes idea for Kidwelly and Mynyddygarreg

Kidwelly and Mynyddygarreg have been identified by Carmarthenshire Council areas that will benefit significantly from new safer community routes.
Residents there are being invited to consultation events on Thursday and Friday to learn more about what is proposed and support the county’s application to the Welsh Government for grant funding.
The aim is to encourage walking and cycling, a reduction in private car use and improvements to road safety.
Measures can include new and improved footways and shared use paths, cycle storage, pedestrian crossings and plateaus, and general highway improvements.
County transport strategy manager Simon Charles said: “Through a combination of engineering and education initiatives these projects offer an exciting and valuable opportunity to generate great improvements in terms of improving road safety, encouraging more sustainable travel and the environmental enhancements that accompany such a shift.
“To develop a scheme that is fit for purpose and affords the best possible chance of a successful bid it is important that it is community led.”
The first consultation event is at Kidwelly Rugby Club on Thursday running from 2 to 7pm and the second is on Friday September 21st at Mynyddygarreg Hall 2 to 7pm.
County executive board member for transport services Cllr Colin Evans said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for the community to get involved from day one to help shape a scheme that could make a real difference to the communities of Kidwelly and Mynyddygarreg for many years to come.
“The council transport team are among the most successful in Wales in developing safer routes schemes. In the last round of allocations £558k was awarded to a Pembrey project which is currently being delivered. It was the largest award in Wales and 10 per cent of the entire allocation.”


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