Appeal to new Welsh Secretary over 'green economy'

The new Secretary of State for Wales David Jones announced yesterday that “the economy really takes priority over everything else”.
Friends of the Earth Cymru has cautioned that Mr Jones needs to focus his support on the green economy.
Gareth Clubb, Director of Friends of the Earth Cymru, said:
“The economy can only function on a planet that is able to sustain us. David Jones needs to recognise that when the planet is facing some of its biggest challenges in history, the focus must be on a genuinely sustainable economy.
“That means massive investment in renewable energy and saying no to expensive, dangerous and unnecessary nuclear. It means a programme of retrofitting all the leaky, drafty houses in Wales so that fuel poverty and cold homes become a thing of the past.
“In the past few months we’ve seen the CBI demand stronger government support for the green economy, recognising that one third of the UK economy’s growth comes from green businesses[1].
“The Green Alliance has just published a report demonstrating that there are already more than 41,000 environmental jobs in Wales[2]. The green economy has huge potential in Wales and the UK and Welsh Governments need to work together to unlock this green growth”

1. CBI, July 2012, The colour of growth: Maximising the potential of green business:
2. Green Alliance, August 2012, Green economy: A UK success story:


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