Simon Buckley's letter to the Carmarthen Journal re Sainsbury's in Llandeilo

Simon Buckley's letter to the Carmarthen Journal Editor re Sainsbury's in Llandeilo -
I write with some degree of satisfaction that Welsh Government has decided to question the planning decision of Carmarthenshire County Council in relation to the application  re Sainsbury's in Llandeilo and to call the planning application in for determination by the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, John Griffiths AM.
The way in which the developers and Sainsbury's conducted themselves in contacting the planning committee members the evening before the planning meeting was nothing more than disgraceful.
Add to this the fact that the council’s solicitor had to stop members leaving the meeting to go and get drinks, and I am sure you will appreciate the relief that comes with the decision of the Welsh Government and the fact that they will arbitrate this matter once and for all.
I will never forget the day of the meeting and the fact that within 10 minutes of Graham Noakes,  the planning officer responsible, starting to explain the niceties of the application, 10 members of the committee appearing to fall asleep. Then, it appeared we were sold down the river by our then councillor all in the name of job creation.
Thankfully, many of those councillors were booted out at the last election, and rightly so.
But now is not a time for complacency; to the contrary we now have to make sure that no development of this size is ever considered again for Llandeilo.
It does not stop there.
For many,  Sainsbury's did offer the hope for jobs, and those of us in business in town need to join forces with our elected representatives at Town and County Council level to create new job opportunities for the young of our town and community.
It is time to bring home the opportunity and hope for the future, and to get from our County Council the support we need to make Llandeilo a prosperous community for all, and not just a privileged few.
Simon Buckley, Chief executive the Evan-Evans Brewery, Rhosmaen Street, Llandeilo.


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