Madge names his Carmarthenshire executive board

Carmarthenshire Council's new Leader Councillor Kevin Madge has announced who his executive board members are.
For the first time there is a gender balance with five men and five women on the board, which is also equally split between Labour and the Independents.
There are changes to previous portfolios, to include a focus on rural affairs and helping communities.
There is also a greater emphasis on the environment, with Cllr Madge pledging to be tougher on issues such as littering and dog fouling.
The board will continue to have two Deputy Leaders who will be Cllr Tegwen Devishand and Cllr Pam Palmer. Cllr Devishand will also have housing, equalities, and 50+ in her portfolio, and Cllr Palmer will have rural affairs, communities, anti-poverty, community safety and business management.
Executive board member for Education and Children will be Cllr Keith Davies, and Cllr Jane Tremlett will focus on social care and health.
Former Leader Cllr Meryl Gravell will have the regeneration and leisure portfolio, Cllr Jeff Edmunds resources, and Cllr Mair Stephens human resources, efficiencies and collaboration.
The environmental and public protection position goes to Cllr Jim Jones, and responsibility for street scene goes to Cllr Colin Evans.
Cllr Madge said: “I am pleased that we have an equal balance between men and women, and that all executive board members have the experience and expertise needed to do the job. I believe that this team I have put together will work together well and make a huge difference in Carmarthenshire over the next few years.
“Our priorities will be investment and jobs, housing, rural areas, regeneration and education. The new portfolio for rural areas shows my commitment to all parts of Carmarthenshire.
“During the election campaign people on the doorstep were telling us that they wanted more action to stop littering and dog fouling and to clean up the environment. We have listened to their concerns and will be strengthening the enforcement role; this administration will be a lot tougher on those people who spoil our environment.
“As an executive board and an administration we are committed to working for the good of Carmarthenshire. We have achieved much over the past few years and have an excellent platform to build on, I believe through working together, consulting with our communities, listening to what our residents’ concerns are, and collaboration with partner organisations we can move forward with great optimism for the future.”


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