Join the Llanelly House team for a 'Walk and Talk'

If only walls could talk?
Well, they can!
Join the Llanelly House Team for a 'Walk and Talk' around the centre of Llanelli to discover what tales the walls have to tell about our past.
Why not meet the Community Team of Llanelly House for a walk and a talk around Llanelli Town Centre on Wednesday 30th May at 11am?
Did you realise that the street layout of the town was literally developed within and around the grounds of Llanelly House?
To listen to more fascinating stories and have a gentle walk around the town centre please reserve your space by contacting the team*.
*Cost is Free but spaces are limited, please contact Estelle Evans on 01554 772857 or email Lisa Bancroft :

Llanelly House
· Llanelly House is a Grade1 listed Georgian building in the process of being developed as a sustainable community heritage centre offering an exciting interpretation of the restored House and its history as well as providing a range of heritage and other facilities for visitors and the local community alike. Opening in 2012, the completed House will provide:
· Over 10 new directly providing services to and in the House
· 30 additional jobs from the community heritage and cultural sector activities on the first and second floors – with support from Carmarthenshire County Council, Trinity University College Carmarthen and others
· Major heritage interpretation and exhibition space on the ground floor
· A high quality cafe / restaurant facility for visitors and residents with linked training opportunities
· Showcase visitor experience and interpretive technology working with Imagemakers
· A minimum of 30,000 visitors a year initially to the House and thus to the town centre (and targeting 40,000 – 50,000) plus nearly 50,000 additional visitors to the café / restaurant, school and other more specialised users
· A significant economic contribution to the regeneration of Llanelli Town Centre and to the South West Wales tourism industry
· A wide range of added value training and development opportunities to volunteers and community organisations from Llanelli and further afield

Carmarthenshire Heritage Regeneration Trust
Llanelly House restoration project is under the Carmarthenshire Heritage Regeneration Trust.
The Trust’s objectives are for the benefit of the people of Carmarthenshire and the public at large:
· To preserve, restore and regenerate, the historical, architectural, constructional and environmental heritage that may exist in and around Carmarthenshire in buildings, sites or areas of particular beauty or historical, architectural, constructional or environmental interest.
To advance the education of the public in history, arts, culture and heritage or Carmarthenshire and the surrounding area.
To promote such charities or charitable purposes as the Charity may by unanimous resolution of its members from time to time decide.

Open Doors
In conjuction with Civic Trust Wales, Open Doors Days take place throughout September and offer the public free access to places and buildings of historic and architectural interest. Buildings which are normally free to visit offer something special. In 2010 over 300 sites took part and it was the first time that Llanelly House took part was last year.
The result of which took us by surprise after only opening for one weekend the Community Team showed 38 members of the public around Llanelly House, however, such was the demand that a further weekend in September was necessary which brought the total up to 81 people.
This success instigated the ‘Thursday Tours which operated between October 2010 and January 2011 where a total of a further 51 people viewed the house.


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