Ambulance service performance improving

Hywel Dda Health Board | Ambulance Service Performance
Lesley Griffiths AM, Minister for Health & Social Services has made the following statement on the performance of the ambulance service -
Following a discussion in Plenary on 25 April with regard to ambulance response times, I committed to making a Written Statement on the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust’s (WAST) performance against the two response time standards during the past twelve months.
Members will know there are two targets applicable to WAST:
I) 65% of all calls categorised as ‘life threatening’ to receive an emergency response within 8 minutes on an all-Wales basis and
II) 60% of all calls categorised as ‘life threatening’ to receive a response within 8 minutes on a Unitary Authority basis.
I am pleased to note the response time performance has improved significantly over recent times.


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