New links between Pembrey school and library

Pembrey library and school are already next door neighbours but they have now become even closer.
The relationship between the school and the library has always been good with classes making regular visits to borrow books and make use of the IT facilities.
The children also utilise the service outside of school hours for their homework and leisure reading.
Now the room occupied by the school library is needed for teaching. But rather than lose the library space for the children by spreading books around the classrooms the school and the county library service are joining forces.
The school’s books have been relocated to the public library and have been merged with the existing stock to make one joint collection.
Regional Library Manager, Mark Jewell said: “We feel that the pupils will benefit from this change as they will have access to a wider range of titles. The resources will be available to them after school and during the holidays, as well as when they come to the library as part of their regular schedule of visits.”
Branch Librarian Celia Booth added: “I’m pleased that we were able to work together with the school as the library has always had good links with both staff and children.
“Small groups of pupils helped me get the books ready for the shelves and have been really keen and helpful. Hopefully, they will feel part of the new library arrangement and will continue to make good use of the services we offer.”


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