Living costs boost for Carmarthenshire council tenants

More than 40 per cent of council tenants who’ve had their homes upgraded find it easier to meet the cost of living in their home compared to 10 per cent in 2009.
The results form part of a Health Impact Survey, an innovative study being undertaken by Carmarthenshire County Council in partnership with Cardiff and Swansea universities, to find out how home improvements link to better health and wellbeing.
The authority is currently mid-way through its £203million Carmarthenshire Homes Standard programme to update each of its 9,200 council homes, with improvements including new kitchens and bathrooms, cavity wall and loft insulation, double glazed windows and doors, and new energy efficient gas boilers.
The 2011 survey provided reassuring results across several different areas – with thermal satisfaction coming out as one of the areas showing most improvement.
More than 2,000 tenants were interviewed.
When asked about general housing quality and satisfaction, 85 per cent of tenants reported that their home was suitable for their needs compared to 73 per cent in 2009.
And in relation to physical and mental health, 30 per cent of tenants questioned stated that they haven’t visited their GP at all in the past three months, compared to 17 per cent in 2009.
Head of Housing, Robin Staines, said: “The results from the 2011 survey show that the improvements we are making are having a direct effect on our tenants’ health and wellbeing. It is very encouraging to know that we are doing the right thing, and that this significant investment is making a difference.”
Throughout this month and next, the 2012 survey is being carried out.
Tenants are being encouraged to answer a series of questions designed to assess their health and wellbeing since their home has been upgraded.
The data will give housing teams across Wales a better understanding of how living conditions can impact on a person’s health, and will help the council, and other organisations, to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce the strain on health care services.
Cllr Hugh Evans, executive board member for housing, added: “We would very much appreciate our tenants taking the time to complete this survey and giving us any feedback they can on the difference their home improvements have had on their health and wellbeing.”
Tenants are receiving copies of the survey through the post, with a selection of interviews being carried out face to face. All returned surveys are being entered in to a prize draw.
Anyone who would like help completing the survey form should call 01267 234567, and the housing teams will be happy to assist.
 For further information on the CHS programme visit


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