Welcome mat out for Burry Port Tesco

Burry Post businessman Gareth Isaac is confident the planned new Tesco store will provide a boost to independent traders in the town.
“Burry Port shouldn’t be worried and should get out the welcome mat,” said Mr Isaac, who runs GI Carpets and Rugs in Station Road.
The Tesco plan is for a new store on the “Fairground Field” close to Burry Port Harbour.
The store could be open by Christmas, 2012.
The store will have 15,000 sq ft sales area and a 125-space car park that will be available for all shoppers, regardless of whether they visit the store.
Mr Isaac, 43, said: “Yes, I can see why some independent traders will be worried about the arrival of Tesco.
“But we have to look at the positives – they will be creating 130 full and part-time jobs and that money, we hope, should be spent back in Burry Port.
“The new car park will also encourage more people to visit the town.
“With more footfall through the town, we need to show that we, as independent retailers, offer different sorts of services to the likes of Tesco.
“Experience tells me that people look for different things in the shopping experience and the things independent retailers offer include personal service, the friendly face, the guarantee of quality. They all add up to a different experience to supermarket shopping and we need to find the balance between shopping in Tesco and shopping with independent retailers.
“I’ve been in business here for just over three years now and I’m an optimist rather than a pessimist. Tesco coming to town will provide another reason to visit Burry Port and hopefully encourage more people to stroll through Burry Port – and that can’t be a bad.
“One of the things I love about Burry Port is the fact that everyone knows you name – or wants to know your name.
“People love the personal touch and they get that from the smaller independent traders in the town.
“Also, I think people are now buying into the ‘Buy Local and Shop Local’ ethic.
“We place great store on that as we try to source as much of our flooring products from British sources.
“I was talking to a farmer friend from Mid Wales the other day and he was explaining to me how he was now getting a better price for his wool from the carpet manufacturers.
“We buy carpets from that same manufacturer, so that’s got to be a good thing.”
Mr Isaac added: “We stock names like Brintons, Cormar and Abingdon and everything from the budget end of flooring to luxury Axminsters.
“As an independent flooring retailer I am always up against the big ‘supermarket-style’ carpet warehouses.
“But we are able to take them on because we offer a professional and friendly service which is also quick and reliable. For example, we usually provide quotes within 24 hours.
“We do both residential and commercial work and I have a team of three experienced carpet fitters who provide an expert service.”
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