Volunteer Jackie backs debt project

Mother of two Jackie Corcoran is hoping that her experience with volunteering for Pantyffynnon Debt and Benefit Project will encourage others to do the same.
Jackie Corcoran has been a volunteer for the Pantyffynnon Debt and Benefit Project and Communities First for six years. She joined the team after moving to the area in order to meet new people and help wherever she could.
Jackie said: “When I had just moved to the area I met another volunteer at a house party who told me all about the work they were doing. It interested me straight away. I wanted to see if I could help anyone local. That was 2005 and I haven’t looked back since.”
Ms Corcoran works 25 hours a week at a local store but still finds the time to do the volunteer work. Jackie now hopes she can progress her career with the office skills and experience learned as a volunteer.
She said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a volunteer. If I can help I will! The best thing I think I’ve got out of being a volunteer is to not be stuck in my own little bubble – to realise there many people out there tackling their own problems in life. To be able to help them makes me happy.”
Pantyffynnon Debt and Benefit development worker Kathryn Newman said: “Jackie’s amazing, she has been such a help. She has dealt with clients on a one-to-one basis, held outreach with staff, such as the Women’s Aid, and helps host community events and the market project. She has taken part in so much training and is putting it to good use.”
Jackie added: “My favourite course was the Challenging Behaviour – Conflict Resolution. It gave me vast skills in dealing with ADHD, bullying etc, which often comes in very useful with clients.
“I have learned how to detach myself from my personal emotions, and deal with things on a professional level.
“I have now got a portfolio from all the work experience and courses I have been on. All the time spent volunteering has raised my confidence. I’ve also found my own turbulences and life experiences have given me valuable skills to help others.
“I have learnt a lot from the members of staff and made a load of friends along the way. I really didn’t think I was capable of doing it, so it’s a really nice feeling now to know that I can!”
The Debt and Benefit team in Pantyffynnon are always looking for new volunteers for an array of jobs. How much time you have to volunteer is up to you!
If you would like to learn & develop skills and put them to good use then give the team a call on 01269 596821.


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