Harvest Flower Festival planned for church

What a challenge! A flower festival at the back end of the year!
But that is what the creative members of St Michael’s Church in Llanfihangel Abercywyn have taken on.
The theme of the flower festival is Harvest Home and it will feature some of the most enchanting aspects of a country autumn celebration.
The festival opens on Thursday, September 29 and continues until Sunday, October 2.
At the opening Harvest Festival service on Thursday evening (7pm), the guest preacher will be the Venerable Dr William Strange, Archdeacon of Cardigan.
The service will be followed by a harvest supper at The Forge Restaurant on the A40 near St Michael’s Church.
The church will be open for people to come and visit on Friday, Saturday (10am - 5pm) and Sunday (12am - 5pm) to see the floral displays and enjoy seasonal refreshments at the Church Room.
The President of the festival is John Williams (O J Williams) from St Clears and his partner, Valerie Pittman, will be opening the festival on the Thursday evening.
The flower festival will end with a gala concert in the church at 7.30pm on the Sunday evening (Oct 2), featuring Joy Cornock (soprano), the Carmarthen Male Voice Choir and compere Brian Walters.
The Mayor and Mayoress of St Clears, Cllr and Mrs Mark Davies, have also been invited to the closing concert on the Sunday.
The vicar, the Reverend Canon Bryan Witt, said “Flowers enhance our lives throughout the year and they are especially welcome in the autumn when winter is on its way. This festival provides a special opportunity for them to bring us together as a community. We hope that many people who have enjoyed our flower festivals in previous years will come and visit us at some time during the festival.”
The festival is being co-ordinated by national award winning floral artist, Lilwen Thomas from St Clears.
For more information, contact -
•Elsa Davies 01267 211344 Email daviesem@hotmail.com
•Tickets to the concert cost £7 and are available from church members or by calling 01267 211344.


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