'FfotoAber' festival launches registration

Today, FfotoAber, the first photographic festival of its kind to be held in Aberystwyth, is launching a registration system for keen photographers to to participate in a photomarathon.
The photomarathon which takes place on 22 October, and is sponsored by Aberystwyth Business Club, aims to challenge competitors’ creativity and mental agility.
Anyone interested in taking six photographs, related to six themes, on one day, using a digital or mobile phone camera is encouraged to visit www.ffotoaber.com to register.
Deian Creunant, from FfotoAber commented: “As part of the new FfotoAber festival which launches in Aberystwyth this October, we’re introducing a pioneering event to the town, a photomarathon. We sincerely hope that this event will appeal to anyone, amateur and professional photographers alike, and those who simply want to try their hand at it.”
At 10am on Saturday 22 October, two themes will be released to the competitors at the Morlan Centre, Aberystwyth and they are expected to take one photograph for each theme.
The next two themes will be released at 12pm and the final two at 2pm before a mad rush for the finishing line at 4pm.
Professional photographers will also be on hand in the Morlan to offer advice on choosing the best photographs.
At the end of the photomarathon the photographs will be downloaded and judged by a panel of invited judges.
The winning photographs will be printed and exhibited with the work of every competitor being shown on the FfotoAber website.
Among the prizes kindly donated by local businesses are vouchers for Gwesty Cymru and delicatessen Ultracomida.
To learn more about the competition, the terms and conditions, and to register to participate, please visit www.ffotoaber.com and complete the online registration.
The closing date for entries is 14 October 2011.
Further details are also available on Facebook and Twitter #FfotoAber.
FfotoAber celebrates the art of photography through a range of exhibitions and events in the town.
The festival will be an opportunity to see photographs in familiar and unfamiliar locations, in galleries, cafe’s and even on the street, and to be part of interesting workshops lead by some of the profession’s leaders.


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