Survey gives snapshot on Carmarthenshire life

People across Carmarthenshire have given their views on life and services in the county.
An extensive independent survey was carried out to find out how residents felt about a range of issues including council services, safety, health, transport and their communities.
The information will be used by all major organisations when planning services and developments for the future.
A company called BMG conducted the confidential survey using a representative sample of 1,000 residents.
Council Leader Cllr Meryl Gravell said: “We want to know what people think about the council, our services and their local communities. Only by gathering this information can we identify where improvements to the services, facilities and information that we provide can be made.”
Results show that over four fifths of people – 83 per cent – are satisfied with the services provided by Carmarthenshire County Council.
Only a small proportion – five per cent – expressed dissatisfaction.
At least nine out of 10 respondents highlighted a number of services as being important. They are:
• Refuse collection 96 per cent
• Street lighting 94 per cent
• Road maintenance/repairs 93 per cent
• Pavement maintenance 90 per cent
At least three fifths of service users are satisfied with the service they, or another member of their household, use.
Levels of satisfaction are at least 90% for seven services, which are primary and secondary schools, nursery education, parks and open spaces, housing benefit, countryside access, recycling facilities and libraries.
Almost all respondents – 94 per cent - said they were satisfied with their neighbourhood and Carmarthenshire as a place to live.
Half said they were happy with leisure facilities, some 56 per cent were satisfied with transport and bus services and 77 per cent happy with shopping facilities.


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