Carnival Queens chosen for Bancyfelin

Bancyfelin Carnival Queen, Rose Queen, Fairy Queen, and Prince Charming were recently chosen at the village hall.
After entertainment by local musician and singer Bongo Clive, who got all the youngsters drumming in a percussion class, the judges for the evening arrived.
They were Caroline Daymond, Executive Director of BMI Werndale Hospital, with husband Michael, and Shan Rees, Business Development Executive at Werndale Hospital, with husband Graham.
The BMI Werndale Hospital is a keen supporter of activities in the village, with Caroline and Shan also being part of Bancyfelin village hall’s management committee.
The judges chose Sioned Hight as Carnival Queen for 2011. Her attendants will be Shay-Elise Sebastian, Rachel Howells, and Gwennan Lewis.
Young Lauren Walters was chosen as Rose Queen, supported by Nia Sharp and Hannah Harvey. Handsome Joshua Creamer was chosen as Prince Charming, with Ben Harvey as his Prince Consort.
Little Ffion Howells became Fairy Queen, with Millie Williams and Jodie Jones as her attendants.
Chairman Mel Thomas reminded the audience that the carnival will begin at 1.45pm on Saturday, July 2 with a parade through the village led by the Carmarthen Twirlers.
He hoped that as many people as possible would support the carnival, either by dressing up or organising a float.
Judging begins at 2.00pm in the hall car park.
The Mayor and Mayoress of St Clears, Cllr and Mrs Mark Davies, will be special guests at the carnival. There will be stalls and refreshments in the hall.
The village sports will take place as usual on the field at Ysgol Bancyfelin, starting at 7.00pm.
I am grateful to Elsa Davies for the above report.

Back row: Sioned Hight (Carnival Queen with sash), with attendants either side of her. Middle row: left to right; Josh Creamer (Prince Consort, with sash), Lauren Walter (Rose Queen, in middle with sash), with attendants either side of her, and Ben Harvey (Prince Consort (right).
Front row: Ffion Howells (Fairy Queen, in centre, with sash), with attendants either side of her.


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