Llanelli single mum lands dream job

A single mother from Llanelli has landed a dream job, thanks to the help of a Carmarthenshire family support project.
Mari Evans, a mum of two small children, is just weeks in to her new job as a Learning Support Assistant at Coedcae Comprehensive School.
Having previously been unemployed for eight years with little confidence and a family to support on her own, for Mari, it has literally been a life-changing experience – and it is Genesis Sir Gar II that she wants to thank.
Genesis, a European Social Funded project through the Welsh Assembly Government, aims to improve life for local families.
Project staff first came in to contact with Mari when she was referred to them by her health visitor.
Genesis staff provided Mari with advice and guidance to find a new direction in life, and suggested she attend a part-time course at Coleg Sir Gar with a view to qualifying as a learning support assistant.
Genesis provided finance to assist with Mari’s childcare needs to enable her to attend the course, and also helped her apply for job vacancies.
Through liaison with Coedcae School, they found a volunteering placement for her, and were thrilled when some months later she successfully applied for a full-time post.
“Without Genesis this would not have been possible and I would still be living on the poverty line claiming benefits,” said Mari.
“I have now regained my confidence and have become a good role model for my children and am really enjoying my life. I feel that I would never have achieved these goals without the Genesis project.”
Project Coordinator Estelle Etheridge-Lawrence said success stories such as this are the very reason the Genesis project was established.
She said: “The project has assisted Mari to achieve goals that have created a better life for her and her children. Coedcae School has been very supportive of both Mari and the aims of the Genesis project. We are grateful to them for the opportunities they have provided to enable us to work collaboratively to achieve such a successful outcome.”
The Genesis Sir Gar project works to improve the lives of those who are unemployed and economically inactive across Carmarthenshire, specifically targeting lone parent females.
Participants are supported to remove barriers that may prevent them from engaging in the labour market.
The project can provide support through many avenues such as sign posting, advice and guidance, training, education, volunteering, childcare, self-esteem and confidence building, parenting, counselling and financial assistance to access training, employment, education and volunteering.
For further information contact the Genesis Sir Gar team on 01554 744340.

Mari Evans, Jo-Anne Gravell and Coedcae School headteacher Pete Spencer. Pic Jeff Connell


Anonymous said…
Single parent my foot! Who is the gentleman David Thomas who is living with her and is the father of her children? Father Christmas?
The Welsh Assembly should ensure their funds go to those who are genuinely and legally entilted to apply for their grants etc....
Anonymous said…
Dear Anonymous, thankyou for your comment. I am a vey close friend of Mari. Genesis acted as a lifeline to this lady, and they only actually paid for two Nursery seesion for one of her children, as Mari became employed within two day of her volunteering placement. Mari has experienced many problems in her life and through Genesis she has managed to regain her self confidence and turn her life around.Genesis is open to ANY mother, single or not, its set up to help Mothers regain confidence and overcome any hurdles in their way. i find it very sad to read your comment, especially when you dont know anything about Maris life..I am proud of you Mari-go for it!!!

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