All set for the Llanelli Proms

A battalion of more than 200 musicians spanning massed choirs, military bands and singers will be uniting next week for the 2011 Llanelli Proms. (Saturday 14th May, 2011).
The ever-popular Llanelli Proms will see the musical baton of conductor John Hywel Williams MBE bring together the famous Band of the Adjutant General's Corps, the massed voices of the Hywel Girls' Choir & Hywel Boy Singers, Llanelli Choral Society and the Morriston RFC Male Voice Choir soprano Sarah Estrill, organist Huw Tregelles Willaims and pianist Jean Hywel for a roof-raising evening of patriotic and popular music.
"The excitement for the Llanelli Proms is building", explains the founder and director, John Hywel Williams.
"The Llanelli Proms is a rare opportunity for audiences and performers alike to unite in furious flag-waving and roof-raising singing and music and many ‘Llanelli Prommers’ are already set with their tickets, flags and balloons ready for this music extravaganza.”
The Llanelli Proms brings to audiences all time favourites such as Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Vaughn Williams' Old Hundredth, rousing Welsh hymns and a popular mix of military and band music.
Since its birth, the Llanelli Proms has brought world-leading military bands to the event which include The Central Band of the Royal Air Force, The Band of the Irish Guards, Regimental Band of the Royal Welsh, The Band of the Army Air Corps and The Band of the Royal Marines on no less than five occasions. Many visiting choirs have descended on the town to participate in the event.
“The Passionate Llanelli Prommers”
Over the last decade since the Llanelli Proms was founded, the event has develop a strong and dedicated following which are now known as the “Llanelli Prommers”.
“The Llanelli Prommers are a passionate and fun breed”, explains Proms Manager, Jeremy Williams. “Most come to the Proms armed with flags, balloons, streamers and are never afraid of frenzied flag-waving nor thunderous foot stamping. Some even queue for hours to arrive early and enjoy the atmosphere of the event. It’s wonderful to see individuals truly embrace the fun and informal nature of the Llanelli Proms.”
The popularity of the Proms and the Llanelli Prommers has even led to an online image gallery of past events, performers and Llanelli Prommers which can be found at
From Inspiration to a Town Tradition
Since the Llanelli Proms was founded back in 1999, acclaimed local conductor and founder of the Proms, John Hywel Williams MBE reflects back over a decade of the popular musical flag-waving tradition brought to the region.
What does the Llanelli Proms mean to you?
"Since the very first flag-waving Llanelli Proms back in 1999, I am very proud to see the Llanelli Proms develop and remain a popular event in the musical calendar of the region - adding to a rich and colourful fabric of community music.”
What inspired you to begin the Llanelli Proms?
"Simply said, the original philosophy of the Llanelli Proms remains true to today: to present the widest range of music, performed to the highest standards to a diverse audience and enjoyed in a fun and informal setting. This year is no different. The Proms is all about enjoying and celebrating music in a fun and informal atmosphere. Silence is forbidden on the evening. The waving of flags, the cheering of voices, the clapping of hands and the tapping of feet are all enthusiastically encouraged."
"Those who have attended the previous Llanelli Proms will have witnessed this with audiences waving flags and balloons, blowing air horns and the throwing of streamers. Similar to the original BBC Proms, more serious items are confined to the first half of the programme of the Llanelli Proms while the major attraction of the second half is a medley of patriotic music by the visiting Military Bands."
The Llanelli Proms will take place at 7.00pm on Saturday 14th May at the Selwyn Samuel Centre, Llanelli. Tickets are available from Llanelli Proms Ticket Office on 01269 841658 Bizy Fingers Llanelli Market. Tickets £11 and £13. All seating reserved.
The Llanelli Proms is a charitable event presented by the choristers of the Hywel Girls’ Choir & Hywel Boy Singers.


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