New funding for Botanic Garden

New funding for the National Botanic Garden of Wales, in Carmarthenshire has been announced by the Welsh Assembly Government.
In light of an independent value-for-money review, the Garden will receive £700,000 in revenue support for the 2011-12 financial year, subject to a number of agreed conditions.
The review confirmed that all major botanic gardens need subsidy and that proportionally, per visitor, Kew and Edinburgh receive far more than the Garden.
The report also found that it is only at this level of subsidy that the Garden can currently develop a sustainable business plan.
Heritage Minister, Alun Ffred Jones said: “It is only 10 years old but the National Botanic Garden is already making a vital contribution to tourism, science and education, and to the regional economy of south west Wales. This level of funding, as has been recommended by the recent independent review, will help the gardens to develop further as a scientific centre of excellence, a showcase for sustainability, and as a visitor attraction. Moving forward, our funding will depend on the Garden producing a sustainable Business Plan and on it meeting a range of challenging targets.”
The Garden will have to meet a variety of targets, likely to include the development of a new capital management and major maintenance plan, a review of international scientific research opportunities, and an extension of its education outreach programme.
Lesley Griffiths, Deputy Minister for Science, Innovation and Skills, described the Garden as a key educational resource carrying out an important role in stimulating interest and activity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related subjects at all levels.
“It is an internationally recognised centre for conservation, education, and research and has a strong focus on plant sciences research,” she said.
It is helping to train the next generation of plant scientists through its leading edge work and the provision of industrial placements and studentships.
The Garden also carries out extensive work with schools and colleges and undertakes lifelong learning and outreach programmes which engage people of all ages.”
Alongside the Assembly Government funding, Carmarthenshire County Council will provide the Garden with £60,000 in revenue support in 2011-12, and for the following two financial years.
Councillor Meryl Gravell, the Leader of Carmarthenshire County Council said: “The Garden is very important to the tourism and economy of Carmarthenshire. A successful and sustainable future for the Garden will be of great benefit to the economy and image of the County.
The support offered should be seen as part of the Council’s efforts, together with its partners, to develop the local tourism industry (worth around £330M) in the current difficult financial times.”
Dr Rosie Plummer, Director of the National Botanic Garden of Wales, said: “We are delighted that the Welsh Assembly Government has decided to continue supporting the Garden, as recommended in the independent value-for-money report. They clearly recognise that we are contributing significantly on a local, national and international level. As well as contributing to the economy, tourism and education here in Wales, our cutting-edge research is increasing our world-wide profile in science. In economic terms, the Garden consistently contributes some £8 million annually in value to the economy of South West Wales and, with 100 staff, is an important employer in the region. We manage to achieve this despite being far less heavily reliant on public funding than our sister organisations at Kew and Edinburgh.”
Recently, the Daily Telegraph, ranked the Carmarthenshire attraction among the top “five best winter gardens in the UK” and The Times has also ranked the Garden as Britain’s No 1 Winter Wonderland.
Admission to the Garden was free to all throughout January; the initiative – to introduce more people to the Garden – was a great success with around 13,000 visiting during January.


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