Special offer for 'Botanic' members

The National Botanic Garden of Wales near Carmarthen has announced a special offer for Garden Members.
Every month the garden will be hosting a members’ coffee morning.
These will be both informal and fun and will allow garden staff the opportunity to give you some real “behind the scenes” insight into the daily running of the Garden, its triumphs and its tribulations!
Some will feature a talk by a guest speaker, others will ply you with a drink and a biscuit before whisking you off for a special guided tour of the Garden.
The inaugural event will take place on Friday, 18th February at 11am.
It will feature as guest speaker Ivor Stokes, long-standing Curator of Horticulture and a source of countless tales and anecdotes from the Garden and beyond.
This will take place in the Stables Gallery, with space for approximately 50 members. This means space will be limited, so if you are a Garden Member and would like to go along, you can book your place by emailing Max Sewter on msewter@gardenofwales.org.uk or ringing Max on 01558 667146 by 31st January.
There will be a nominal charge of £1 per person to cover the cost of tea or coffee and biscuit.


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