12 cash tips for Christmas

There are 12 days in Christmas, so Ann Thomas, leading Consultant at West Wales (Carmarthen and Porthcawl) Chartered Accountants and Business Consultants Clay Shaw Butler, has worked out 12 tips for keeping on top of your money this festive season.
1. Supermarkets all have special offers leading up to the Christmas period. Do your research using the media (radio, internet, newspapers, TV, leaflet drops etc) and see if any of them relate to food and drink you need for Christmas. Use any vouchers you find - and if you don’t need them give to someone who could use them. Watch our, however, in case there are any errors in the offers out there. Ensure they are value for money before purchasing.
2. Sit down with your family and agree on what food and drink you need for the holidays. If you are several families getting together for Christmas, decide who buys what on the shopping list to avoid waste and duplication.
3. Make a list of people you’re buying presents for and set a budget for each one to make sure you can afford everything. Then stick to your budget!
4. If your family are all feeling the pinch, have a Secret Santa with a budget (everyone has, say £15 to spend, you put everyone’s name in a hat and each person buys for the name they get in the draw). Each person gets one good present, rather than lots of smaller items. You don’t have to spend money on everyone.
5. Many shops have pre-Christmas sales now on. Check if you can take advantage and buy presents in these shops?
6. This may be too much for some, but consider buying ahead and taking advantage of the January sales for next Christmas. Cards and wrapping paper are usually available at knock-down prices in the New year.
7. Energy prices are on their way up. Keep in mind the electricity and gas you are using over the holidays. Keep heating on constantly, even on low when you are not in the house. Ensure the house is properly insulated; turn off lights you are not using. Visit the Saga website as they have an excellent page on energy saving websites - http://www.saga.co.uk/money/gettingthebestdeal/energy-saving-websites.asp. The older generation should ensure they are getting their winter fuel allowance, while everyone should use available information such as www.uswitch.co.uk to ensure they are getting the best tariffs from their current supplier.
8. If you’re travelling to see friends and family, assess the most economical way of getting there. Is there anyone else going that way you can share a lift with? Is the train/bus cheaper? If it’s just down the road, do you have to take the car at all?
9. Children love Christmas and the excitement it brings. Instil in them the fun of Christmas - and that it is not all about expensive presents. Ideas could be to make presents for grandparents or homemade decorations. Home baking is always a favourite. This could save money and also amuse the little ones for hours while exercising their creativity.
10. The cold weather and Christmas holidays can sometimes mean we get tempted to order more takeaways to avoid the kitchen. Takeaways are expensive and often don’t give you the nutrients you need to fend off the cold. With all the goodies in the house and left-over turkey, plan ahead and freeze some meals. There’s nothing easier than warming up some turkey curry after a long day out.
11. With a few days off work and the kids happily playing with their presents from Santa Claus, now is the time to go through your finances ready for the New Year. Have you adequate insurance cover? Are there any bills or direct debits you are paying you really don’t need? When was the last time you used that gym membership? Have you got the best mortgage deal currently available to you taking advantage of low interest rates? Are you claiming any benefits or tax credits you are entitled to? Sit down and take stock of your situation. There are plenty of new financial resolutions to be made.
12. Last, but by no means least . . . Girls – do you really need those new shoes and new dress for each party you go to? Guys – do you really need that robot that claims to clean your house for you or have you enough gadgets to amuse you for now?
Have a fantastic Christmas – whether you spend £10 or £1,000 – and best wishes from all at Clay Shaw Butler, http://www.clayshawbutler.com


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