New group studies anti-social behaviour

A group has been set up to see how the Carmarthenshire council and the police can tackle alcohol fuelled anti-social behaviour in the county.
The council’s Social Justice, Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee has set up a Task and Finish Group to look at the range of powers available to reduce alcohol-related crime and disorder.
It could include measures such as Drinking Banning Orders which allows police and local authorities to stop a person entering certain premises if they have been involved in criminal or disorderly conduct under the influence of alcohol; and Designated Public Place Orders which gives police the power to confiscate alcohol and order individuals in that area to stop drinking.
The group will be consulting with residents to find out their views on alcohol-related anti-social behaviour in the county and it has also been looking at what other counties throughout Wales and the UK are doing to tackle this issue.
Members are being advised and supported by police and council officers from public protection and community safety amongst others.
Group chair Councillor Stephen James said: “Drink fuelled anti-social behaviour is a major concern and we already work very closely with police to tackle the problem of drunken offenders who cannot behave in public places and who spoil it for others.
“However, there are a range of new powers and tools that are available and if used as part of a package of measures to reduce alcohol-related disorder these initiatives could make a real difference to safety on our streets.”
The Task and Finish Group includes cross-party representation and includes Councillor David Thomas, Councillor Helen Wyn, Councillor Emlyn Dole, Councillor Dewi Enoch and Councillor John Jenkins.
What do you think? Have you ever experienced alcohol-related anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood? We would like to hear your views on this. Visit


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