Praise for Carmarthenshire insulation works

Housing chiefs in Carmarthenshire are among the best in the UK for their home insulation works.
Thousands of tenants are enjoying warmer homes thanks to a huge energy saving project.
Carmarthenshire County Council is installing cavity wall and loft insulation in all its houses.
It is rolling out the scheme as part of the £200 million Homes Standard programme.
The authority has now been highlighted as one of the top performing councils in the UK for the amount of insulation carried out.
Figures released by the Energy Saving Trust show the council is in the top three in the UK for providing insulation in its own housing stock, and in private homes in the county.
Officers say the figures are proof of their commitment to the energy efficiency drive.
In the past two years the insulation programme has exceeded its targets.
Some 94 per cent of council homes that are suitable have been provided with cavity wall insulation and 87 per cent with loft insulation.
Housing officers say the works are reducing heating costs by up to £400 a year, improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions in council homes.
There are also benefits for tenant’s health because cold conditions can lead to respiratory conditions and are also linked to depression and anxiety.
Carmarthenshire Homes Standard Manager Rachel Davies said: “It is very pleasing to note that we are among the top performing councils in the UK.
“The cavity wall and loft insulation programmes are bringing major benefits to thousands of tenants and private home owners.
“We will be continuing to roll out the programme in the county to ensure maximum benefits for all.”
The figures from the Energy Saving Trust, reveal how much loft and cavity wall insulation was professionally installed in each local authority and parliamentary constituency between 2008 and 2010 as part of the Government’s requirement on energy companies to help consumers save energy, the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target.
The council’s Housing Executive Board Member cllr Hugh Evans said: “Officers are to be congratulated for all the work that is being done in Carmarthenshire.
“As well as the positive effect on health, it is having an impact on Carmarthenshire’s carbon use, and reducing heating costs for many.”


Ken Biz said…
Once again the engineers were overridden, once again they were told that We have had lots of launches where foam has hit the shuttle and every one of them has landed safely and so will this one.

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