Trinity students ready for Edinburgh Fringe debut

A new acting company, formed by students of Trinity University in Carmarthen, is getting ready to make its debut at the world-famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
The TwoBee Theatre Company is the brainchild of Will Bourdillon and Bethan Lewis.
The Edinburgh date is a massive coup for TwoBee and will see them performing Will Bourdillon’s play The Metronome.
“It’s a massive chance for us, as a theatre group, as everyone recognises the quality of the Edinburgh Fringe festival.
“Having said that, it is not without its challenges as we have had to raise a substantial amount of cash to support rehearsals and our trip to Edinburgh.
“We have already received tremendous support from the people of Carmarthenshire and any arts lovers or businesses who can offer us more support will be more than welcome.”
Will said that the chance to perform at Edinburgh (at a venue called ‘theSpaces @ Surgeons Hall’) came because another theatre company went into liquidation.
“That’s an illustration of how difficult it can be to survive as a theatre company, but we are determined to give Edinburgh our best shot and make sure that we do ourselves proud.
“Of course, we will also take great pride in taking the very best of Trinity University and Carmarthen onto the Edinburgh stage.”
TwoBee co-founder Bethan Lewis said: “So far we've raised about £800 and have a full cast ready to go.
“We have now got free accommodation and rehearsal space in Norfolk for two weeks prior to the Fringe, which is fantastic!
“We've also paid a deposit on accommodation in Edinburgh for the full company. But, as you can imagine, we are still in desperate need of funds for the hire and transport costs. Any help would be great and we would be very interested if any businesses out there could lend us support.”
Bethan added: “The TwoBee Theatre Company is something we've built from scratch and we're generating quite a bit of buzz on the Trinity campus. The team includes seven other Trinity students from the second and third year.
“Will Bourdillon is the writer/director and I'm designing/stage managing and generally doing the production side of things.”
Will added he was thrilled to see his play taking shape on the stage at such a prestigious venue as Edinburgh.
“It really is a dream come true,” he said.
The Metronome is a play about two Welsh scientists, Dr Arthur Kendal and George Hollister, who meet during the First World War.
They are left horrified by what they experience and, on their return home, embark on a project to discover a method of travelling through time.
Each man is plagued by their own regrets, or fears of the future.
It is a conflict which spurs them towards their seemingly impossible goal and also threatens to cripple their progress.
Throughout the play, the past and the present bleed through into the characters, to question whether we really do experience time in a linear fashion.
The Metronome will be staged at Edinburgh between August 16-21.
Anyone who can help sponsor the TwoBee Theatre Company can contact –
Bethan Lewis on 07806570242 and email
Or Will Bourdillon on 07837265505 and email
The company email address is
Edinburgh Fringe Festival venue details
theSpaces @ Surgeons Hall
Nicolson Street
Edinburgh, EH8 9DW
Phone: 0845 508 8515

Will Bourdillon - TwoBee Theatre Company founder/Writer/Director

Bethan Lewis - TwoBee Theatre Company founder/Company Manager/Designer

Rachael Shwenn - Trinity Acting graduate 2010

Bruce Harrison - Trinity Acting graduate 2010

Siriol Williams - Trinity Acting graduate 2010

Scott Alexander - Trinity Acting graduate 2009

Oliver Edwards - Trinity Acting Student


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