Aberystwyth gears up for Universities Week

Aberystwyth University is participating in the national campaign to highlight the wider role of Universities within their local communities and on a national and global scale.
Organised by Universities UK, the ‘What’s the Big Idea?’ Universities Week runs from the 14-20 June and provides an opportunity for Universities to explain their achievements to a wide audience.
Aberystwyth University continues to play an important role within mid Wales as an educator, employer and supporter of businesses and other organisations.
During the week, the University will be celebrating its achievements and inviting individuals to learn more about the University and the invaluable role it plays within the local area.
Commenting on the participation of the University in the Universities UK campaign, Professor Noel Lloyd, Vice Chancellor of the University said: “I am extremely proud of the accomplishments of the University and of its staff, students and alumni. Its continuing successes on a local, national and global level are particularly encouraging. It is especially gratifying to be able to stand back during Universities Week and recognise what the University has achieved since it was established in 1872 and I hope that this sustained growth and prosperity will continue long into the future.”
Aberystwyth University was established on the 16th of October 1872 when Thomas Charles Edwards, assisted by two professors and a Registrar-Librarian, welcomed twenty six students to the converted hotel, now known as the Old College. On the day, Aberystwyth observed a general holiday “there were many speeches, much music and happy singing; all was joy and marvellous triumph.”
The University has always been well regarded within the local community and Wales. In 1875, chapels throughout Wales declared the last Sunday of October as ‘University Sunday’ with collections devoted to the ‘College at Aberystwyth’. Over 70,000 people contributed, mostly small amounts, which was all they could afford and £3,100 was raised. The warmth and affection felt towards the University is further echoed by the recent support shown towards the Annual Fund 2009/10 by alumni, staff and friends of the University.
Aberystwyth University has several awards to its name. One of the most notable recent successes being the Queen’s Anniversary Award which was awarded to the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) for their research work. Additional acclaims include the Carbon Trust Standard, Fairtrade status, Civic Awards for the Arts’ Centre buildings and numerous individual staff awards for teaching and research.
Perhaps the most significant recent award, is being voted ‘probably the best place in the world to be a student’ in the International Student Barometer in 2009. This reflects the University’s continuing outstanding performance in all surveys of students’ satisfaction, most notably the National Student Survey. The University’s ranking in Higher Education league tables has strengthened – this year moving up 22 places in the Guardian, 6 places in the Times Higher Education University Guide and 7 places in the Independent’s league table.
Nearly 50% of the research undertaken at Aberystwyth University is rated as world leading or internationally excellent according to the most recent Research Assessment Exercise.
Aberystwyth University undertakes a breathtaking range of world leading academic research including work into the history of the Celts in ancient Thrace undertaken by the Department of Welsh; the challenges of trust-building in Nuclear Worlds by the Department of International Politics; the effects of global warming on Polar Ice Caps by the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences; Solar Explosion research by the Institute of Mathematics and Physics; Lie Detection Technology and Space Robotics research by the Computer Science Department; research into the role of superstition among professional footballers in Ghana by the Psychology Department and research and development of new crop varieties at IBERS to name but a few.
Notable Alumni
Year on year, the list of notable alumni from Aberystwyth University increases dramatically and includes published authors, business leaders, politicians and stars of screen and stage. Amongst some of the well known alumni of Aberystwyth are the following:
Tom Singh is the founder of the fashion store New Look. Mr Singh revolutionised the high streets of the UK with affordable and accessible clothing for fashion conscious individuals. Mr Singh’s company was floated on the stock exchange in 1998 and was listed in the 2010 Sunday Times Rich List with an estimated fortune of £515 million.
Carwyn Jones AM is a law graduate from the University; Mr Jones is currently the First Minister for Wales.
Berlinda Earl is the current Chief Executive of clothing companies Jaeger and Aquascutum. She was previously Group Chief Executive, Debenhams. The Sunday Times Rich List 2010 estimates her wealth at £70m. She is also a Fellow of the University.
Sharon Maguire, an English and Drama graduate of the University, is a film director most well known for directing the blockbuster Bridget Jones’ Diary.
John Dawes was a Welsh international rugby player and captain of the Welsh team in 1970, leading the team to win the Grand Slam in 1971. During the same year, he also captained the British Lions to their first series win over New Zealand.
Catherine Jane Bishop is a World Champion rower who holds a Masters Degree in International Politics from Aberystwyth. She won a silver medal in the 1998 women’s pair, a gold in 2003 and gained a silver medal in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens as one half of the rowing pair. She retired from rowing in 2004 and took up a career with the Foreign Office.
Melanie Walters is a Drama graduate and accomplished actress who is best known for her role as Gwen in the award winning BBC comedy series ‘Gavin & Stacey’.
Tan Sri Ahmad Don, a graduate of Economics and Business is the former Governor of the Bank Negara Malaysia.
Kabbah Alhaji Ahmad Tejan graduated from Aberystwyth in Economics with History and Law in 1959 and is the former President of Sierra Leone.
Y.A.M. Tunku Naquiyuddin Ibni Tuanku Ja’afar is a graduate of International Politics from Aberystwyth University. The eldest son of their Royal Highnesses, The Yang di Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan and the Tunku Ampuan, he was the Chairman of his family’s business Syarikat Pesaka Antah Sdn. Bhd until 1994. He relinquished the post so that he could fulfil his duty as Regent of Negri Sembilan Darul Khusus during his father’s reign as King of Malaysia.
Sir David Prosser, former Chief Executive of one of the UK’s leading financial services companies, Legal & General, graduated with a BSc in Mathematics from the University in 1965.
Angela Tooby-Smith was a member of the University Harriers running club who went on to win a bronze medal in the 10,000m Commonwealth Games in 1986 and competed in the Seoul Olympics in 1988.
Lousie Rickard is a Zoology graduate and is currently a Welsh international rugby player. She is the most capped women’s rugby player with 110 caps since her debut in 1993.
Individuals wishing to learn more about the activities of Aberystwyth University are invited to meet with representatives of the University on information stalls held at various points in the town during the week. Further details of all the activities undertaken by the University can be found at www.aber.ac.uk/news.
Information Stalls
Aberystwyth University information stalls will be held at:
Wednesday 16th June (11am-3pm) – Morrisons Supermarket
Friday 18th June (11am -3pm) - Co-op, Parc Rheidol, Aberystwyth
Saturday 20th June (11am-3pm) –Owain Glyndŵr Square, Aberystwyth
10 things you may not know about Aberystwyth University:
1. The University has nearly 10,000 students from 112 countries, employs over 2000 people and contributes over £200 million annually to the local economy.
2. Aberystwyth University leads the world for student satisfaction according to the 2009 International Student Barometer
3. In 2009 an Aberystwyth computer called ‘Adam’ became the first computer in the world to discover new scientific knowledge
4. The University was awarded the 2009 Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher Education for research undertaken at IBERS.
5. Fancy a flapjack? More than 60% of the oats grown in the UK are from seeds developed at Aberystwyth.
6. Twelve former Aberystwyth students were elected MPs at the 2010 General Election.
7. Aberystwyth is a Fairtrade University, a Gold Medal winner for Sustainable Development ** and is one of 9 UK universities to receive the Carbon Trust Standard.
8. Aberystwyth University Sports Centre is the largest single sport centre in Ceredigion and the University has been selected as a possible pre 2012 Olympic Games training camp for mountain biking.
9. Since 2006 Aber RAG has raised £19,500 for local charities. Between October 2009 and April 2010, student volunteers have received Millennium Volunteer Certificates for a total of 3,600 hours.
10. The award winning Aberystwyth Arts Centre is Wales’s largest arts centre.
*2009 International Student Barometer
**2009/10 Wales the True Taste Food & Drink Awards
Universities Week
The inaugural Universities Week is taking place from 14-20 June 2010, and aims to increase public awareness of the wide and varied role of the UK’s universities.
Over 100 universities and linked organisations are involved in the week. Nationwide activity will include open days and debates for members of the public to attend. A full list of events taking place can be found at www.universitiesweek.org.uk.
Supporters can also find out more about the campaign by joining the Universities Week Facebook fan page www.facebook.com/ukuniversities.
The UK’s higher education institutions have a tangible effect on our economy, generating almost £59bn of output every year. They are some of the largest employers in their regions, and nationally create over 600,000 jobs either directly through higher education, or via knock-on effects.
The campaign is being co-ordinated by Universities UK, the representative body for all UK universities, with support from a wide range of higher education stakeholders including:
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services
CASE Europe
Council for Industry in Higher Education
Higher Education External Relations Association
National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Research Councils UK
The 1994 Group
The National Union of Students (NUS)
The Russell Group
The Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association
The University College Union
University Alliance
University Marketing Forum


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