Aberystwyth puts spotlight on sustainablity

As part of Wales Sustainability Week (17-23 May), Aberystwyth University is organising a number of events to highlight and celebrate its contributions to sustainable environments and lifestyles.
The emphasis is on joining in and taking part in the schemes that the University has already established for students and staff to safeguard and enhance the excellent environment it offers.
The Wales Sustainability Week is a Welsh Assembly Government initiative which invites individuals and organisations from all sectors and communities to take action to make Wales more sustainable, and celebrate and promote what they are already doing and become part of a network that works together to make Wales more sustainable.
Dr John Harries, Pro Vice-Chancellor, said “Aberystwyth University is delighted to participate in Wales Sustainability Week; it provides an excellent opportunity to illustrate the wide range of research being undertaken by our academic departments to address issues of sustainability.
“We also have a programme of interactive events which demonstrate some of the important schemes which the University has established to help reduce its environmental impact. They include innovative recycling schemes organised by the Students Guild, energy saving initiatives, our award winning campus restaurant featuring a menu of home and locally produced food and sustainable travel schemes,” he added.
Wales Sustainability Week events programme at Aberystwyth University.
All week:
Exhibitions of research and teaching in the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) and the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences (IGES).
TaMed Da – our award winning campus restaurant will feature a special lunch-time menu of locally sourced and some University produced foods (click here for details).
Monday 8.00-8.45 am
Launch breakfast at TaMed Da. Elin Jones, Ceredigion’s AM and Minister for Rural Affairs, University representatives and student volunteers launch the week’s activities at a breakfast of locally-sourced and University produced foodstuffs.
Monday, 12 - 2pm
The Great Switch Off
Staff and students of the University will be invited to turn off any non-essential electrical equipment over lunchtime. The intention is to draw attention to those items that are switched on every day but never used – the light in far store rooms, the printer on stand-by. The amount of energy saved during the switch-off will be announced on Friday. A prize will be awarded for the most energy saved in a building.
Monday, 5.30pm
‘Investing in Energy Security. Do short-term gains solve long-term problems?’
Presentation by Dr Malcolm Butler, Managing Director – Europe, eCORP International and Advisor to Seymour Pierce Limited on Energy.
Open to Aberystwyth University Staff – places limited – please register to attend by contacting: ccservices@aber.ac.uk / 01970 628753.
Tuesday 1.00pm
Eco-walk on campus – Can’t tell your pines from your petunias?
Then a guided walking tour of campus noting some of the celebrated flora and fauna might be just the thing. Pop along to the Sports Centre at 1.00pm and discover the blossoms and birdsongs on the new campus walking trails. It’s certainly better than sitting watching the AstroTurf grow.
‘Cycle to Work’ Day – Reduce your carbon footprint by joining our cycle to work scheme. Staff and student participants in the University’s ‘cycle to work’ scheme will formally launch the initiative.
8.00 - 9.00am
Cycle to Work Breakfast
All staff and students who cycle to campus will be eligible for a free breakfast at specific locations – Gogerddan - Penglais (TaMed Da) - Llanbadarn (Stapledon Building)
3.00 - 5.00pm
Based on Penglais campus, exhibitions to include: Free cycle check-up and maintenance workshop (Summit Cycles / Continental Tyres); cycling safety and cycle security.
Group Ride from Llanbadarn to Penglais to attend Cycle Smart.
Organised group of interested cyclists to cycle together from Llanbadarn campus to Penglais campus. Led by nominated steward.
Group ride from Gogerddan to Penglais to attend Cycle Smart.
Organised group of interested cyclists to cycle together from Gogerddan campus to Penglais campus. Led by nominated steward.
Thursday 12.00noon
The Students Union’s innovative “Re-use it” campaign will be formally launched. This scheme will gather material left in student residences at the end of term, store and then sell them to incoming students at the start of the 2010-11 term. Profits raised will be donated to charity and non-perishable foodstuffs will be provided to a local home for disadvantaged youth.
Friday 12.30pm
Celebrating Sustainable Success
At a special ceremony in the Students Union, students and staff will explain the extent of the University’s sustainability policies and practices and announce the results of the week’s savings in terms of energy saved, numbers participating in the cycle to work scheme, food sustainability initiatives, recycling bags used etc.
Further details on Wales Sustainability Week are to be found at the following web site: http://cymru.gov.uk/topics/sustainabledevelopment/sdevents0910/sustainabilityweek/;jsessionid=YNWzLkKSqWBsLjyZpTmntrTH4bQ7j8cnz75l8Lyk0NY1L3YD72tL!-897520699?lang=en


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