Carmarthenshire school transport boost

Carmarthenshire Youth Council (CYC) is working on a campaign to help improve school transport in the county.
Statistics from their Speak up Report showed that the majority of young people rely on buses to get to school and many are faced with a long walk to school.
Peter Morgan, CYC member said: “Although the journey to school on foot can only be 5 minutes, for many young people attending Carmarthenshire Secondary Schools they have to walk along narrow pavements bordering fast flowing roads in all weathers.
“During the winter months young people have to face walking in the dark, along with rain, ice and snow, all of which make already dangerous journeys even more risky; we don't think it’s fair to simply ignore these pupils.”
The CYC hope to get young people’s views to identify dangerous hot spots in the county.
Do you have access to free transport or do you have to walk to school? Does your journey to school ever involve walking down a road with no pavement or having to face traffic driving at 50+MPH? If you’d like to discuss school transport with the CYC, email or have your say by visiting


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