New cash boost for Carmarthenshire tourism

A new £250,000 tourism fund has been launched to help communities develop a distinctive Carmarthenshire.
The Sustainable Community Tourism Fund will encourage the development of community tourism that will encompass the economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions of rural community life.
Up to £25,000 is up for grabs by community and rural councils, community enterprises, not-for-profit organisations and the voluntary sector to develop new tourism projects.
Each project must promote a sense of pride and place with a strong local identity, encompassing recreational, cultural, historical, industrial and natural features.
Eligible projects include trails, walks and interpretation to link to local legends, history, culture and language, specialist outdoor adventure activity facilities, wildlife woodlands, view points, and picnic areas.
The funding could also go towards historic sites and premises with tourism potential that will support the local economy.
Tourism and marketing manager Huw Parsons said: “This fund has been set up to develop and safeguard local legends, history, culture, art and language to inform visitors of the county’s distinctiveness, and also to maintain the character of Carmarthenshire for its residents.”
It is hoped the fund will attract more visitors to rural communities and increase the money spent locally.
It is also geared at developing a sense of pride and distinctiveness and providing sustainable solutions to local tourism.
Projects must demonstrate tangible economic benefit, improve accessibility to local information, and make a difference to communities.
Grants of £5,000 to £25,000 are being made available to eligible groups and projects, which must be able to show a commitment to 50 per cent match-funding.
Regeneration executive board member Cllr Clive Scourfield, said: “Tourism in Carmarthenshire is worth £332million every year, and so it is a major contributor to the economy of Carmarthenshire, supporting local business and community amenities.
“This fund will promote awareness and pride in the environment and cultural heritage of the area. Carmarthenshire is such a diverse county, and we have many stories, myths and legends which all make for fantastic tourism potential.”
For further information call the Carmarthenshire Community Bureau, the county’s one-stop-shop for community grants and funding on 01269 590216.

Regeneration executive board member Cllr Clive Scourfield hands a £250,000 cheque to Carmarthenshire tourism officers Sarah Owen, Louise Rozhon and Lowri Jones. Pic Jeff Connell


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