Green List comes to Carmarthenshire

Wales's first ever Green List is coming to Carmarthenshire in the form of a photo portrait exhibition.
The 2009 list names the champions who have been recognised for taking action to put Wales’ reputation as a green nation on the map.
The Carmarthenshire Environment Partnership has worked to bring the photo exhibition - Compiled by Cynnal Cymru / Sustain Wales – to the county to raise awareness of the importance of individual action to improve the environment.
The exhibition shows that green heroes are no longer restricted to stereotypical environmentalists but can just as easily be ordinary people, making a difference. It’s hoped that the photo exhibition will inspire others to make a difference in their own way.
Included on the list are chief executives, managing directors, politicians, farmers, campaigners, poets and a musician who sings about environmental issues using instruments made from recycled junk.
There’s also two Climate Change Champions, teenagers picked by the Welsh Assembly Government to spread the message about climate change among their families, friends and communities.
The photo portrait exhibition will tour venues in Carmarthenshire throughout March in an effort to get as many people as possible to see it. It is also free to attend at all venues.
The exhibition will be in the St Elli Centre in Llanelli from Tuesday, March 9 until the end of the week.
It will then tour Coleg Sir Gar campuses in Llanelli, Ammanford and Carmarthen from the week beginning the March 15 before it enters the final leg of its tour at Carmarthen Library from March 22.
The exhibition will end at St Peters Civic Hall in Carmarthen on Saturday, March 27 for a celebration event with film shows, environmental workshops and speakers attending, culminating in the lights being switched off for the global celebration of Earth Hour – all are welcome.
For further information on the Green List please contact the Environment Partnership co-ordinator Owen Jones on 01267 236367.
The Environment Partnership is part of the Carmarthenshire Local Service Board and sustainable development is one of its key priorities.

Two of the green list members the award winning Welsh singer songwriter Gai Toms and Welsh Assembly Government Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing Jayne Davidson.


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