Garnant land lease plan approved

Plans to lease a parcel of county council land to Garnant’s Tot’s Ty Ni Family Centre on a peppercorn rent have been approved.
The Family Centre, situated within the Maes Y Bedol estate, wants to take control of the land in order to create a community garden.
Tots Ty Ni will be leased the land for 21 years on a peppercorn rent equivalent to the cost of setting up the lease agreement. The parcel of land is currently overgrown.
The family centre proposes to cultivate the land, create raised beds and storage facilities for gardening equipment, and eventually erect a greenhouse.
They will invite residents from the estate’s 60 dwellings and the local school’s gardening club.
Once established, it is hoped that produce grown on the land can be sold to the local community, generating income which would be ploughed back in to the scheme.
Local member, and deputy council leader, Cllr Kevin Madge, said: “This sounds like an excellent proposal which will be of huge benefit to the community.
“I am fully supportive of the scheme, and I am delighted that it has been given the go ahead.”
Housing and Public Protection executive board member Cllr Hugh Evans made the decision to approve the lease yesterday.
He said: “It is a good scheme. I have visited the site and it would be beneficial to the whole community, young and old.”


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