Cash boost for new university

The University of Wales Lampeter and Trinity University College Carmarthen have welcomed the news that Education Minister Jane Hutt has approved a £14.3 million funding package in support of the creation of a brand new university in South West Wales.
The University of Wales Trinity Saint David will build upon the heritage and strengths of Wales’s two oldest institutions, and will go towards providing enhanced facilities and resources for students and communities in the region.
The £14.3 million funding award from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) will ensure that the new university can respond to the economic and social needs of Wales.
In particular the funding will enable the University to address skills needs through the creation of a number of initiatives and will enhance and strengthen existing academic areas. The University of Wales Trinity Saint David will build upon existing partnerships with key agencies including further education colleges and schools to transform the provision of education and training across the region.
The new university will provide bilingual higher education opportunities to a diverse student base. A programme of investment will now see the development of enhanced facilities at both campuses, and staff at both Trinity University College and UW Lampeter are already working closely together to bring the two universities together as they prepare to create a new university by July 2010 in time to welcome the first students in September 2010.
Dr Medwin Hughes, Vice Chancellor Designate of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Vice Chancellor of University Wales Lampeter and Trinity University College said: “We are delighted with today’s news. The collaboration between two of Wales’s oldest institutions will create an exciting and vibrant university not only for students in Wales but also from the UK, and the rest of the world.
“With its home in South West Wales but with an offer that will have an international appeal, University of Wales Trinity Saint David will be nationally rooted within a global context.
“This is history in the making, which will not only create a powerhouse for education in South West Wales but will also bring a much needed boost to the regional economy.
“By building on the strengths and heritage of Trinity and Lampeter, and enhancing facilities, and programmes across both campuses, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David has an exciting and vibrant future, and it is set to become an internationally acclaimed higher education institution.”
The Venerable Randolph Thomas, Chair of Governors at Trinity said "The announcement by the Minister Jane Hutt of investment of £14.3m for the new University of Trinity Saint David recognises the importance of this new institution in delivering high quality education in Wales. It will make a major contribution to the social and economic regeneration of West Wales and help to develop community cohesion. This investment allows us to build on the excellent traditions of both institutions and create a world class university."
Mrs Tricia Carter, Chair of Governors at UW Lampter said "On behalf of the Council we are very pleased that HEFCW and the Welsh Assembly Government has recognised the role of the two oldest higher education institutions in Wales, not just in terms of education but also in the culture of Wales. The investment will ensure that the new University Trinity St. David will be providing quality and world class learning and will play its part in the One Wales themes of social justice and economic development. The investment will provide a solid foundation for its long term growth, success and sustainability."
The creation of the new university is subject to Privy Council approval, which is expected in the New Year.
Applications for University of Wales Trinity Saint David for the academic year 2010/2011 will be made through existing routes for study at Lampeter and Trinity. More information is available at and

Dr Medwin Hughes, Vice-Chancellor Designate of Trinity Saint David University

Dr John Walters, Vice Chair Trinity Council, The Venerable Randolph Thomas, Chair Trinity Council, Dr Medwin Hughes, Mrs Tricia Carter, Chair UW Lampeter and Dr Brinley Jones, President UW Lampeter.


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