Carmarthenshire performance improving

Figures released by the Local Government Data Unit show that performance in Carmarthenshire is continuing to improve.
The county had the very best performance indicator results in three categories and joint top in another 20.
Top scoring were:
• The number of publicly accessible computers per 10,000 people (15)
• The percentage of new businesses which received a food hygiene questionnaire (21)
• The percentage of children who had their teeth checked by a dentist (96.1)
The county also came top of the class for not having any key stage two primary school classes with more than 30 pupils, jointly with 10 other authorities; for 100 per cent of first placements of looked after children that began with a care plan in place, along with seven other councils.
Carmarthenshire’s trading standards, food hygiene, animal health and health and safety departments all performed well achieving joint first places with other councils.
Children’s Services again performed highly scoring top marks in a number of categories including 100 per cent for the number of child protection reviews carried out and 100 per cent assessment of young carers.
Results also showed that 47 per cent of Carmarthenshire’s statutory Performance Indicators have improved, and the council has a very good reputation for robust and reliable data.
The council was unable to report the percentage of identified carers of adult service users offered an assessment.
The current system does not identify people who have declined or postponed an assessment making accurate data collection impossible; however amendments are being made to the system to ensure the information can be provided in future.
The area where Carmarthenshire was lowest was in the number of visits to sports and leisure centres for physical activity, however this was due to severe disruption at Carmarthen, Llanelli and Amman Valley due to improvements and is expected to improve greatly next year. School usage is also not counted in the PI.
Other areas for improvements included collection of rent arrears; the percentage of formerly looked after young people who are in education, employment or training at the age of 19; and the percentage of new businesses subject to a risk assessment business.
Assistant Chief Executive Paul Thomas said: "These results confirm that Carmarthenshire continues to be a top performing authority.
“It is reassuring that given the diversity and breadth of the services we provide, and the challenging targets that we set ourselves, that 47 per cent of our statutory indicators have improved, and a number of our PIs are amongst the best, if not the best in Wales.
“We will continue to deliver those high quality services we are already providing, and are committed to improving those areas where we are not performing as well.”


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