Cardiff date for Carmarthenshire mascots

Carmarthenshire County Council’s healthy eating and environment mascots Dylan and Eco Eli are due to perform at a local government seminar.
The pair will help to show how the authority delivers excellence in front line services, as part of the Association for Public Service Excellence’s annual seminar at Cardiff City Hall in September.
The conference, which will be hosted by Olympian Colin Jackson, will explore how local government can move forward, ‘from recession to progression’.
Carmarthenshire County Council will contribute to the seminar by showcasing the authority’s successful Healthy Eating Roadshows, which have been widely praised as an innovative way of promoting healthy lifestyles to children in primary schools.
Elin Cullen, Carmarthenshire County Council’s Head of Business and Specialist Services, said: “It will be great to show other authority’s the innovative ways that we take key healthy eating messages to school children across the county.
“The roadshows have proved hugely popular, and have helped us make huge strides in promoting healthier lifestyles from an early age.”
Funding for the roadshows was secured from the Welsh Assembly Government under its Appetite for Life grant scheme.
The grant enabled the creation of the show and the mascots, and the Gregory Brothers were commissioned to bring the show to life in a fun and interesting way.
Key messages of the show are to promote healthy eating, raise awareness of recycling and the council’s roadside scheme, and to help increase the uptake of school meals.
It also links into the school curriculum.
Executive board business manager Cllr Pam Palmer said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to show other authorities across the UK what we have achieved here in Carmarthenshire in promoting healthy lifestyles to children.
“Since we have taken this show on the road, Carmarthenshire has had one of the highest uptakes of school meals in the country – something that we will always seek to maintain and improve upon.”

Pic: Children from Bryn School, Llanelli, have fun with Eco Eli during a Carmarthenshire County Council Healthy Eating Roadshow. Pic Jeff Connell


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