Your chance to have your say on planning

Latest news from Carmarthenshire Council’s press office - Local Development Plan
Town and community councils are being consulted on how they want to see Carmarthenshire develop in the future.
The Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan (LDP), which is currently being prepared, will govern the way in which the county develops over the next 15 years.
The LDP covers issues such as how development will be distributed across the county and which settlements will be identified as the main ones for development; projected future population trends to 2021; the main issues affecting residents of the county regionally, nationally and locally, and their vision of Carmarthenshire in 2021; and how sites put forward are considered for inclusion in the LDP as appropriate for development.
The county council is carrying out a lengthy process of consultation and preparation of the plan, involving an LDP Preferred Strategy and then Deposit Draft Plan, which will lead to the LDP being adopted in 2012 in place of the Unitary Development Plan which currently guides policy.
Town and community councils are statutory consultees in the preparation of the LDP and are represented on the LDP’s Key Stakeholder Forum.
Members of the KSF have an important role to play in the key stages of the preparation of the Plan and will act as a sounding board throughout its preparation.
The Candidate Site Register was published and made available for viewing from early February 2009. A letter was sent to all consultees on the LDP database, including the town and community councils, informing them.
A Town and Community Council Stakeholder event took place in County Hall, Carmarthen in February to inform of the LDP process and how the Councils can become better involved. The event was facilitated by Planning Aid Wales (PAW) and One Voice Wales.
One Voice Wales represents the interests of affiliated town and community councils. Those councils not affiliated were also invited to attend the event. The Second Key Stakeholder Forum meeting took place the same month.
Town and community councils were asked complete a questionnaire detailing the types of facilities contained within their council ward. The feedback received from the councils provided essential information which was used by the Planning Team in drawing up the LDP’s Preferred Strategy.
Senior Forward Planning Officer Ian Llewelyn said: “Town and community councils will continue to have an important role to play in the future stages of the preparation of the Plan.
“The next key stage in the preparation of the LDP will be the publication and consultation on the Preferred Strategy in the very near future, details of which will be advertised widely.
“Sessions with representatives from the town and community councils will be organised following publication of the Preferred Strategy. This will provide an opportunity for the representatives to report back to their respective councils and for responses to be made.”


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