Kidz R Us project isn't just child's play - press release for Welsh Assembly

THE proud boast of Tredegar’s Kidz R Us project is that it offers something for everyone.
And you’d have to be a mug to challenge that statement when you view the diary of events –
Concerts, dance lessons, tai chi, slimming classes, sewing classes, karate, gymnastics, technical workshops, training and further education classes . . . you name it and it happens at the former Park Place Presbyterian Chapel.
“To say the place is busy is an understatement,” Kidz R Us administrator Trish Dann said.
“We are very proud of the fact that this place acts as a hub for the local community and the list of events fails to mention that we also act as a venue for children’s parties, weddings, conferences and seminars. Oh, and we’ve got our own cafe!”
The latest expansion at the Kidz R Us centre comes on the back of a grant of £104,644 from CFAP – the Welsh Assembly Government’s Community Facilities and Activities Programme.
“The money has been a massive boost to our work here at Kidz R Us and we think we have put it to great use with an extensive refurbishment of the chapel building,” said Mrs Dann.
“Of course, a major focus of the project is doing something for the children in our community. But we haven’t forgotten about other sections of the population.
“For example, our tai chi Chinese martial art class has one member who has just celebrated her 80th birthday – and I think the youngest is a very youthful 65!”
The Kidz R Us project is a classic of example of a great oak growing from a little acorn.
“The seeds of the project started with my daughter-in-law Diana. Some of the local children knew that about her background in dance and theatre,” said Mrs Dann.
“Three children nagged her for dance classes. Three became 12 and before we turned around there were 20. Today, there are nearly 300 youngsters involved in Kidz R Us.
“Obviously, it grew so quickly that we outgrew our early premises. Luckily, the chapel became available and we have had our home here since 2007.”
Mrs Dann added: “Of course, none of this could happen without support from a wide variety of organisations and agencies, including the Welsh Assembly Government.
“And, of course, the continuation of work here could not happen without the small army of volunteers who help out and make the place tick. For example, one of our ladies produced some nine costumes in 10 days for one of our performances recently.
“We now have a bank of more than 4,000 costumes in our store upstairs in the chapel and they help provide material for other organisations interested in staging theatrical and musical performances.”
Mrs Dann said: “Through it all, we have an underlying philosophy of being here for all sections of the community.
“We are particularly proud of the work we do with the children because performance and drama can be such a great tool in raising their self-confidence and their presentation and people skills.
“Our IT computer suite is particularly useful for the youngsters and we put great store in trying to get the youngsters to raise their aspirations in life.
“Seeing the youngsters perform on stage gives everyone here a great sense of achievement. Watching everyone take part in different events – be it a karate grading for juniors or tai chi for the pensioners – gives everyone a glow.
“What also shines through is the way the community takes a pride in the old chapel. We have redecorated as tastefully as possible, incorporating many of the old wooden pews into features in the building.
“You would think that a building used largely by youngsters would have its fair share of rubbish, graffiti and chewing gum, but not a bit of it. This is a building which serves the community and because the community and the people who use it take ownership of the Kidz R Us centre there is a great deal of pride in its appearance and maintenance.”
CFAP - The Community Facilities and Activities Programme is a grant scheme operated by the Welsh Assembly Government to help community or voluntary organisations provide facilities or carry out activities which will promote the regeneration of communities. Since its launch in 2002 CFAP has proved to be a highly successful grant programme. A total of £64 million has been awarded to 660 projects across the length and breadth of Wales.
Projects have included the refurbishment of church and village halls, work to make community properties accessible to the disabled, buying part of a former airfield for community use and restoring historic buildings for community use.
The CFAP is run from The Welsh Assembly Government’s Merthyr Tydfil office - Communities Facilities and Activities Programme (CFAP), Communities Directorate, Welsh Assembly Government, Merthyr Tydfil Office, Rhydycar, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1UZ

Top technology: Kidz R Us administrator Trish Dann checks out the IT suite at the Park Place centre.
Press release issued by Robert Lloyd on behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government.


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