Carmarthenshire Event Organisers Circle launched

A number of exciting events are in the pipeline for Carmarthenshire following the launch of the County’s Event Organisers Circle. Event organisers from across Carmarthenshire gathered to discuss plans for the newly formed initiative.
The inaugural meeting of the network, which was attended by over 60 of the county’s event organisers and organised in partnership with the Carmarthenshire Tourist Association, marked the beginning of a series of events and activities planned to give support to event organisers.
Participants were given the opportunity to shape the future of the project through discussion workshops highlighting where their upskilling needs lay.
The circle, which has more than 100 members, aims to establish a network of people responsible for running all types of events in the county, encouraging them to connect and collaborate and to facilitate upskilling.
Activities such as seminars, training workshops and one to one surgeries will be on offer to all who sign up to the scheme, as well a designated web portal offering information and guidance.
A second element to the initiative will also look to establish a forum in three pilot towns, made up of local businesses and community groups to encourage greater communal involvement.
Cllr. Meryl Gravell, Executive Board Member for Regeneration, said “With an estimated £48 billion value to the UK by 2020, events are hugely significant. Last year in Carmarthenshire, event visitors brought an estimated £1.5 million to the local economy. This, in addition to them being a positive contributor to communities, makes events a key growth area for the county.”
The pilot scheme, which will be running for 18 months, has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (RDP), which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government. This particular project supports key priorities under the Welsh Government Strategy for Tourism 2013 – 2020 “Partnership for Growth”.
In addition to the event organisers circle activities, funds will also be made available to support certain events that meet specific criteria.

For more information on the event organisers circle, and to sign up, visit


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