Worries about Carmarthenshire dog breeding farm

Jacqueline Baker has dropped me a line expressing her concerns about the licensing of a dog breeding farm in Carmarthenshire.
The publication of these thoughts is intended to stimulate discussion on the issue -
Mrs Baker said -
I and many others are upset and furious that Carmarthenshire Council have licensed a dog breeding farm at Beili Bedw - there are around 200 dogs in this place cared for by one man and his wife, part-time.
The fact that this license has been given is appalling.
However, the council is in the process of approving retrospective planning for this facility.
Many think that this is the time to end 'puppy farming'.
Welsh Government First Minister Carwyn Jones issued a press release on August 9 setting out the Welsh Assembly's commitment to ending this practice.
However, Carmarthenshire council seem happy to condone these places. This might provoke interesting discussion on your blog?

The following is an extract from a blog on puppy farming which can be found on http://batterydogfarmingdealerspetshops.blogspot.com/2011/08/beili-bedw-planning-site-meeting.html -
When Carmarthenshire County Council held their planning meeting to discuss the retrospective planning application from change of use agriculture to dog breeding, it was requested by one of the councillors for a site meeting.
This will take place in private at 10.30am at Beili Bedw Farm, on the 30th August 2011, followed by a meeting at 11.30am by the planning committee when a decision will be made to approve or disapprove the planning application.
It would be good if common sense was used in coming to a decision but I fear that will not be the case as little if any consideration will be given to the animal welfare aspect of running such a large dog breeding establishment of 196 dogs without ensuring the premises are adequately staff.
At the present time there is just the owner, a wife working, with one and half employees to look after 196 dogs and a sheep farm.
It is an impossible task to carry out all the tasks efficiently that are required in caring for so many dogs, whelping bitches and puppies as well as look after such a large number of sheep - and more in the future, according to the application.
A business venture which this is, has to prove that it is sustainable in planning legislation and 'emerging policy is a relevant consideration'.
If that is the case, then surely the proposed legislation for dog breeding for Wales must be a consideration when making a planning decision on a dog breeding establishment.
If the legislation is passed in the autumn requiring all dog breeding premises to employ staff then these premises must be prepared to employ at a minimum of 10 members of staff (20 dogs = one employee) and more if there are whelping bitches and puppies.
This is a question that must be asked by the councillors on the planning committee, agreed and complied with by the applicant prior to planning permission being considered.
But one has to ask why has it taken until now for the question to even be raised? The premises should not have been granted a licence in the first place for so many dogs and no staff.
I cannot understand why Carmarthenshire County Council are so lacking in common sense when issuing dog breeding licenses.
They must know how much attention dogs need daily and at night too with whelping bitches and puppies, but it is obvious it was never a consideration to the licensing department in the past and unlikely to be a consideration in the future even if planning is agreed on the 30th August 2011.


Jane Watts said…
Well done for bringing this out into the open Robert. Puppy farming seems to have been Wales' guilty secret for many years, making them the 'puppy farming capital of Europe' - not a great tag to be known for! I hope the council finally start to recognise the repugnance of this 'trade' and do not allow this retrospective application... but I am not hopeful, especially with the applicant's wife working at the council...
Anonymous said…
I echo the sentiments of Jane. I lived in Carmarthenshire for 5 years and have first hand knowledge of how this council works and the ties it has with the farming community. It is not known as Conmarthenshire County Council for nothing as the posters that littered the county testified.
Margaret & Peter End Wpf Grasby said…
We fully concur with Jacqueline Bakers thoughts and are unconditionally directing all our efforts in to bringing this appalling trade to a close. Our main interest is for the welfare & longevity of these poor unfortunate dogs/puppies who endure suffering, maltreatment & dreadful conditions on these so called 'puppy farms'. When no longer of 'any use' (if lucky enough to survive) they endure years of behavioural problems trying to interact with humans and become domesticated ? Dogs are known to be 'Mans Best Friend', they are not 'Livestock' and should not be treated so on farms.
Jane Watts said…
The sad irony of all this Margaret is that they wouldn't be ALLOWED to keep livestock in these conditions. How can the UK be a country who treats its dogs worse than its cattle, sheep or pigs? Many of the public don't know that stray dog pounds can and do put them to sleep after just 7 days of them being found, what would they think if they knew about the shocking conditions at puppy farms? How about it Robert, make it your mission to stop this 25-year plus disgrace and you'll be a household name!!
shell end wales puppy farming said…
Thank you for putting this up Robert, its written in black and white and yet no one can stop this application. In my eyes its all about money. There is no regard to animal welfare, yet they state its about laws, but when the laws of the licence are broken nothing is done. They seem in a hury to get this passed before (and we hope they do) new laws are passed in the Autumn. I agree with everything that has been said by all an i can not put it any better.. Also why was there a site visit asked this time when a site visit should of been requested months ago when the application was put fwd. Could we have at least one councilor on our side i fear not, i think this is so that it can be said that us the protesters are protesting about nothing an that its giving them a chance to clear up and like normal can print that all checks were up to licence standard and are being granted there application for a new shed to house more dogs and more dogs to suffer...... when will wales open there eyes to suffereing, and not money. Shame on you Carmarthenshire.... you bring shame to our country.
Margaret End Wpf said…
Jane you are so right, it is disgraceful and absolutely appalling to think 'Mans Best Friend is treated worse than 'Livestock on a Farm !!!
If we and thousands like us believe this, why can't the Council ? WHY?
Like Shell has asked 'Could we have at least one Councillor answer our questions??
Veterinary nurse said…
Sadly if you consider how much actual knowledge these councillors have about dog breeding , whelping , rearing of puppies in correct socially acceptable conditions, the phrase 'size of a postage stamp' comes to mind.This is a sheep farm.Dogs are not agricultural animals to be reared in converted sheds,with an incorrect staff ratio.Please someone stand up and do the right thing.
Vi Giles said…
I agree 100% with all that has already been said and cannot add anything further - I have a dog she is my life and a big part of my world to know this kind of practices goes on breaks my heart
For goodness sake what century are we living in for councils etc allow this to go on this must be stopped or at the very least be significantly limited in numbers monitored regularly with strict regulations to ensure the animals welfare - it makes me wonder if this is how they treat their dogs how do they treat other animals in their care - money to these and other people is the root of all evil
I am in full support of all protests to close this and other horrific places
Jane said…
And when a whelping goes wrong in the night, bitch will die in agony.

Don't forget, this place doesn't just have 196 dogs with 1.5 staff. It has 800 ewes plus followers sharing those staff.
I agree with absolutely everything that has been said so far! I am appalled by the amount of blind animals in rescue that come from these places! CEA and PRA are preventable diseases, and along with all other hereditary diseases can be tested for. To fully health test a Border Collie, for example to ensure healthy stock is well over £600, without fuel costs!! I think the puppy farmers should be held accountable and presecuted for any animal sold which proves to suffer from an inherited disease!!! Apart from this the mental trauma of unsocialised puppies that have had no interaction with humans must be immense! We must get to the public - they have to stop buying from the wrong sources, although I believe that litters are put into "families" when they are due to be sold!
I am totally ashamed of living in Carmarthenshire, and it is one of the reasons I am looking to leave, as I no longer wish to pay this Council a penny of my money to abuse it in such a way!!!
Anonymous said…
Sorry, but this all comes down, plain and simple to greed! And that, I am afraid to say is what this country is coming to - make a buck wherever and however you can, doesn't matter how. And although we would like to think that someone on these councils have some kind of moral and backbone - they don't. You only have to look at the Governments we had had and the expenses scandal - it makes me sick! (I have two rescue puppy farm dogs)
Terrified Hotlips said…
I am totally amazed that in this day and age people are even giving thought to allowing planing permission. Lets look at this in a realistic way shall we? If the council were aware of a regular Joe Blogs breeding dogs and keeping them in these appalling conditions with no regard to their welfare what would they do? Would they just turn a blind eye? Maybe to a point they would but when complaint after complaint from the public flowed in I'm sure they would then get on to the RSPCA who would then step in. So why is a business allowed to treat dogs this way? Is it because the said business has to PAY the council for the privilege? For the greedy and those with no morals, money always seems to sweet coat the bitter and shocking animal abuse that goes on in these places. I live in England and spent a wonderful week in Wales a few years ago. If this goes ahead I will not step foot on Welsh soil again! I'm sure more people will feel the same so watch for the drop in tourists as the word spreads around the globe. People should be improving animal welfare not taking it back a century!

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