Llandovery townsfolk bleat about Royal jokers!

Llandovery townsfolk bleat about Royal jokers! (From South Wales Guardian)
A storm has erupted in Llandovery over cut-outs depicting the Royal Family as a flock of sheep.
Some shops are displaying the cut-outs of sheep - with faces of the Royals stuck on - to advertise Llandovery’s Sheep Festival this weekend.
But former Llandovery town clerk Terry Leyman said some people felt it was in “baaaa-d taste” and revealed he had raised the matter with Trading Standards and Dyfed-Powys Police.
And see this blog for more -


Anonymous said…
Ridiculous that there have been objections to these brilliant caricatures! These sheep were created in the best of humour and the issue has absolutely nothing to do with Trading Standards or the police. How silly to waste their time - I would suggest they have far better things to do, where actual crime is involved, not just someone's rather delicate sensitivities. As the theme for this year's festival was the Jubilee, and we're in an Olympic year, I think this display is the perfect meld of all three.

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