Simon Buckley's letter re Sainsbury's in Llandeilo

Llandeilo brewer Simon Buckley's letter to the Carmarthen Journal about the current debate over planning permission for a new Sainsbury's superstore on the outskirts of the town -
I have read with increasing disbelief the arguments of the people of Llandeilo to justify destroying our town, with the building of a new, by Llandeilo size, super store.
Why did those of us not born and bred in Llandeilo come here?
For me 30 years ago it was about coming to a magnificent market town, blessed with everything that the town’s people could want - A sports shop, food shops, shoes shops, and a first class clutch of butchers.
We even had our own Llandeilo sized supermarket.
The character of the town was market town, with a magnificent history, and without doubt some of the finest rural heritage any town could ask for.
As is always the case, these shops disappeared, mainly through lack of support by the locals, and that wanton west Wales desire not to support people whom we believe to be doing well.
Now it's Sainsbury's, and the will of the locals to open their arms to a new store that will decimate the food retailers of the town.
Last week’s roadshow was a sham by anyone;s standards.
A total of 25,000 square feet of modern retailing, that is almost twice the size of our current two supermarkets plus all other food retailers put together.
Current food retailing space in Llandeilo is circa 15,000 sq. feet.
The open denial that the store will close the petrol station, impact on the towns cafés, and attack the new deli and other food stores in the town is so obvious to anyone with an independent mind, that I am appalled that people can be so gullible as to take the vague promise of jobs as being the reason to abandon all planning principles.
Will Carmarthenshire Council abide by its planning principles or roll over like they did for Tesco’s in Carmarthen?
Here are the facts
1. The site is within the 1 in 100 year flood plain.
2. The land area that is being considered is designated in the planning structure plan as light industrial’ for the creation of jobs’. Not retailing, and certainly not retailing on a grand scale.
3. The development of the site will add to the congestion of Llandeilo, and add to the excessive pollution of Rhosmaen street, and worse of all will bring no additional business to the town. If as the Sainsbury man at the show said 30% of people would come into town, which is highly debateable, where would they park? It is an ill-conceived project, too big for our town, and disproportionate to our needs.
4. People now shop in Llandeilo because a group of talented retailers have brought imagination and entrepreneurial flair to the town to make it a special place to come to; a town that is different.
In a poll straw of people in our pub in Llandeilo those in favour are in favour of the development to achieve cheaper fuel.
Some 90% of the people who say that the prices in CK’s and Co-op are higher than Sainsbury's when quizzed did not in any event know the price of the commodities in either store.
We must be careful not to be overwhelmed by the Sainsbury's PR team, their claim that 65 % of business people supporting the scheme is utter nonsense; 100% of food retailers object, and 65% of other traders, who are not affected (ie. clothes and specialist retailers) were in favour, or were they?
So what does our elected member say: to quote ‘Outside my ward, and I am not on the planning committee.’
Frankly for someone paid £20,000 plus per annum by our council to represent us, that is not good enough and its time he listens to what the rate payers of this town have to say.
Let us see the Retail Impact Study, the planning application, and what inducements Carmarthenshire offer for a minimal short term gain, before we change the town forever.


Unknown said…
What is Sainsbury's affiliation with Unions? Unionized, or Union-free?
Robert Lloyd said…
Sorry, don't know the answer to that question. Will try and find out and let you know.
Unknown said…
Well done, Mr Buckley. I don't live in Llandeilo but it's somewhere that I love (and would like to live in) and what makes it special will, as he says, be destroyed by Sainsbury's.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic article. May I also draw your attention to the fact that Atkins who were carrying out the feasibility study for CCC for the new school build referred to this site as a favourable option. However CCC decided to go for the floodplain site in Ffairfach (showground/market site). Might it have something to do that Sainsbury's had their eye on this site all along and are they going to fund the by-pass that is so-called needed for the new school? Many thanks for your article:
Anonymous said…
Just to inform you, the petrol station won't need any help to go out of business, it can do that all by itself. It hasn't had any petrol all week!
Anonymous said…
Simon Buckley has probably shouted the loudest regarding the proposed new Sainsburys store at Llandeilo and this is obviously because he has a vested interest in it never opening. Most people you talk to in the area welcome the new store with open arms and the extra people in will draw to the area and hence to local businessess. It should be embraced by all the local businesses for this very reason. Also, if it means cheaper prices for the public then bring it on.

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